A DARLINGTON culinary student has won a prestigious Cambridge University competition award.

Jenny Young, 20, of Cockerton, Darlington, was asked to represent Clare College, Cambridge where she has been working as part of her catering course at Cambridge Regional College.

The Cambridge University Culinary Competition, which has been running since 1961, includes professional chefs and is judged by Peter Griffiths MBE, director of the Le Salon Culinaire International.

Miss Young, who has never competed against professionals before, said she did not expect to win a place but ended up winning Best in Class for the Under 23s main course challenge for her roast chicken breast, fondant potatoes, pea puree, pancetta and pea fricassee, sautéed baby onions, and Madera jus.

She was also awarded silver in two classes for which she was entered.

The student explained she hardly slept the week before the competition as she worked on her preparation.

"After being incredibly sleep deprived for the past week, a lot of people have asked me the same question: are you sure this is the career you want?," Miss Young said. "The answer is always yes, because I love the excitement and the rush I get."

Miss Young writes a blog called thatdeafchef about her life generally, but also about how baking offered her comfort after she was told her loss of hearing was permanent at the age of 13 and how cooking became the focus of her life.

"Baking is my escape," she said. "The kitchen has always been there to comfort me with open arms."

Miss Young's blog can be found at thatdeafchef.wordpress.com